“Gardens by the Bay is an urban park spanning 105 hectares and consists of three waterfront gardens. The park is designed as a series of extensive tropical leaf-shaped gardens, each with its own specific landscaping design, theme, and character. Gardens by the Bay has a strong public service element as a national garden that presents a wide range of community programmes and floral displays to a broad segment of the population. The urban park provides water play features and educational programmes in a lush, natural environment. Gardens by the Bay provides guests with a lively horticultural haven showcasing rich greenery and stunning floral arrangements. The park attracts over 87 million visitors and is home to over 1.5 million plants from around the world, forming a vibrant horticultural haven filled with lush greenery and stunning floral displays. The car parking facilities are available at the main entrance, The Meadow, Satay by the Bay, Bayfront Plaza, and Bay East.”
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