“TCM Hanyi is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinic with the vision of providing healthcare services. The clinic provides medical services to people who wish to experience the benefits of Oriental Medicine or Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Yeo Thiam Beng practices at the TCM Hanyi. He obtained his education from the Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2005. He was awarded a Bachelor's Medical Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. He has experience as a TCM trainer in TCM Pharmacology and Science of Chinese Materia Medica. Yeo Thiam Beng holds both TCM Physician and TCM Acupuncturist licenses from the Singapore Ministry of Health Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board. TCM Hanyi has an English and Mandarin-speaking physician/acupuncturist who provides Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture treatments.”
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