“Nan Hua High School is a co-educational autonomous school which is driven by a genuine desire to comprehend the world, to discover, question, and engage with knowledge beyond the curriculum. Mr Chiew Jing Wen is the principal of this school. Nan Hua High School provides a four-year express course leading to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Ordinary Level national examination. Nan Hua High School aims to nurture confident, creative and cultured pupils with a passion for learning. The 28 CCAs are organised in four CCA Clusters, namely the Aesthetics, Clubs and Societies, Sports and Uniformed Groups. They engage in a multimodal world of visual arts, music and dance enrichment lessons conducted during Lower Secondary Civics and Moral Education lessons. The Leaders Programme of the school is a school-based student development programme customised to groom outstanding future leaders to be world-ready champions of society.”
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