“Presto Studios is a well-known music school in Pasir Ris. They are committed to be the preferred music school that develops musicians by nurturing their inner greatness and providing a delightful learning journey. They believe the limitless potential inside them to break boundaries and reach greatness lives in them all. Through a nurturing, welcoming space, they see every student for their unique abilities and guide delightful adventures of self-discovery. Their gold standard teaching philosophies shape learning paths to bring out the best in each student, no matter who they are. They believe in these three values: Delightful Learning, Meticulous Approach, and Big-Hearted. They create learning experiences that delight and engage people of all ages. Their music workshops are held during school holidays to assist students in improving their music-learning journey. They provide annual recognition for students in various areas like best sight reader, best aural ability, distinction in practical exams, rising star award, and many more. Their systematic framework lays the foundations for continuous advancement and empowers confidence. Creating a nurturing environment where everyone feels welcomed and valued is simply who they are.”
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